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GAPS 2021

unsolved problems

in red Giants And suPergiantS


Virtual Conference


A virtual and free conference

organized by

the International Astronomical Union's Working Group on Red Giants and Supergiants

under the auspices of Commission G3 "Stellar Evolution"


We now welcome contributions

to MDPI's special issue:

Atmospheres of Cool Evolved Stars

Please see the Sponsor tab


Unveil your inner artist!

Details on the Art tab

Scroll down for more information on:

Scientific Topics

Important dates

Meeting format

Virtually Anywhere

14-18 June, 2021

  • Internal structure, mixing processes, and evolution

  • Nucleosynthesis and meteoritic evidence

  • Atmospheric and circumstellar structure, dust formation

  • Instabilities

  • Feedback (mass loss)

  • End products (white dwarfs, neutron stars, black holes, planetary nebulae)

  • Interaction with stellar and planetary companions

  • Importance for ISM chemistry and the role of laboratory astrophysics

  • Diagnostics in nearby and distant galaxies

Scientific Topics

Important Dates

28 February 2021: deadline for proposing a 20' plenary talk. (CLOSED)

15 May 2021: deadline for proposing a 5' prerecorded talk. (CLOSED)

8 June 2021: registration closes. (OPEN)

14-18 June 2021: meeting sessions. See Program tab.

Meeting Format

9 Topics — 1 wrap-up session — 5 days

2 sessions/day — 1 hour each session.

A plenary speaker will introduce each of the nine Scientific Topics.

The meeting will end with a panel discussion with the panel composed of
the plenary speakers and the discussion moderated by one of the scientific
organizing committee (SOC) members. Slack will be used to moderate discussion, and a link will be sent to the participants before the conference starts. The SOC will endeavor to obtain a balanced mix of seniority, gender and geographical origin among the presenters and session chairs.

The sessions will take place on Zoom and live broadcasted and recorded via
YouTube. Contributed prerecorded talks will also be made available via
YouTube, ahead of the sessions.

We will post a report on arXiv shortly after the meeting and solicit further input from the community, before we finalize a White Paper to be published after the conference.

We expect to then select a topic we have a reasonable chance of success to solve, to focus on and coordinate in the following triennium. In doing so we also wish to seek out and support new talent who have the promise to make key contributions to this objective.


We are looking forward to a fruitful and inclusive meeting!

For any question, please feel free to contact us:


Thanks for submitting!

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